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Why are clinical rotations necessary for medical students?

· education

We understand the wait is too long - from medical school to practice those skills and knowledge. Well, the time has finally arrived when you can take the next step in the process of becoming a medical practitioner - by joining clinical rotations in medical school.

Whether you’re an internal medical student or a medical school in the United States who wants to practice medicine in the US, a clinical rotation is essential. When it comes to clinical rotation, it comprised of the last two years of medical studies. In clinical rotations, you’re allowed to use your medical skills and knowledge that you acquired at the medical school in real medical situations. And you’ll learn from the physicians and residents at teaching hospitals, work with real patients, and gain valuable experience to work in the medical setting.

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If you’re a medical student and planning to apply clinical rotations, before diving into the last step of your medical education you need to know why clinical rotations are important.

Practice with medical professionals and medical systems - One of the major benefits of taking part in a US clinical rotation is getting the opportunity to work with real patients and gain experience in patient interaction. Also, you can practice medical skills and knowledge with medical professionals and learn how to use medical equipment. Do you know the best thing about joining clinical rotation is that you’ll learn how to work with patients from varying cultures?

Acquire professional skills - Just like social customs, professional skills also vary from one place to another. If you’re hoping to practice medicine in the United States, remember things like punctuality and professionalism are highly considered there. Hence, clinical rotations in the USA are a great opportunity for you to learn good practices or habits. During your rotation, you will also understand what are your responsibilities and duties towards patients and their health.

It is an important requirement for residency - Another major reason for completing a clinical rotation in the United States is that it’s an important requirement of the National Residency Match Program — NRMP. Well, the National Residency Match program is a process that allows international medical students to practice medicine in the United States. This is because it helps in building a network, ample learning and securing a residency position.

In conclusion

Please remember, a clinical rotation is an important step in the process of becoming a medical practitioner in the US. A clinical rotation is also beneficial in securing a residency position, as it acts as a formal interview