Have you been preparing to appear for USMLE Step 2 CK? Of course, you must be preparing hard to ace the examination. And if you're reading this, then you must be looking for proven strategies that can help you prep for USMLE Step 2 CK.
And if that’s the case, without further ado, let’s discuss some strategies that can prove to be beneficial for your exam.
- You must use your board books as you are taking a course on the subject. For instance, while you are in your internal medicine rotation, review “Step Up to Medicine.”
- You must create a schedule that includes breaks as well and this should be done before you start your preparation. Change it to make room for each activity if the schedule that you’re using isn’t working. During your preparation, you must start taking practice tests as early as possible.
- Make sure that you thoroughly go through your question bank and complete as many practice questions as you can. Don’t forget, revision is quite important. Remember, the aim is to finish the mock test in the allotted 60 minutes.
- Do not spend most of your time studying the subjects you are good at. Many students tend to study subjects they’re already confident about. Spend time focusing on areas that give you trouble once you are done with your syllabus.
- Take breaks in your study day. Get outside. Exercise. Remember, the amygdala (emotion) is connected to the hippocampus (memory). Study with a friend, and use mnemonics (even humorous ones) to help you memorize the material.
- If you are retaking the test, focus your preparation on the areas where you struggled. Thankfully, the score report from your previous test provides graphical performance profiles for each category. These will allow you to see where you need to put more effort.
These are a few strategies that you must keep in mind while appearing for USMLE Step 2 CK.